Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

My Holiday

Last holiday was very exciting.
The first week, i just stayed at home. Just watch the tv, or play the computer.
But the second week my family and i went to Ternate and Bali.
First we went to Ternate from Jakarta at 1 am. It took about 3 hours to Ternate.
And then we arrived in Ternate at 6 am there in Sultan Baabullah airport.

We went to Many places in Ternate. There is Tolucco fortress that was built by the netherland people in Ternate. and then we also went to where the people took the 1000 RP  background money. We also went to the oldest mosque in Ternate. We took a Dhuha pray there and listened to the guide explained about the mosque. Also we went to the beach in there. But we didn't swim there. we were just seeing the sunset in the beach. Finally we arrived in the hotel on 8 pm after we ate dinner in restaurant.

The next we already moved to the other island. Yes! we moved to the Sulawesi island to go to Manado.
It took about 1 hour with an airplane to go there. Because there is many christian people in Manado, we often saw lot of church in our trip. In the first day on Manado, we went to some park just to have fun there. and then we ate in one restaurant, and went to the souvenir store outside the Manado city, We bought so much food and souvenir to be taken to bandung. After the trip to the souvenir store, we went to the restaurant to eat and finally arrived at the hotel at 9 pm.

The next day we went to the zoo in manado. It took about 2 hours to go there because the road was small and there was many trucks that pass the road. But we are guided by the police in Manado so it took only 1 hours and 30 minutes to go there. It was a conservation for the unique animals in Sulawesi Island. We see many unique animals there. Like Tarsius, kind of birds, monkey, and the other animals.

Finally we went to the restaurant in Manado to eat before we went to Jakarta again. It was delicious. After that we wait in the airport about 2 hours. And then the airplane came and we entered the airplane. I was sleeping in the airplane and then finally we arrived at bandara soekarno hatta in Jakarta. It was an amazing trip in my holiday!!!

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