Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Drama Script: The Dream

Cast of Characters

FARHAN ICHSAN – lost person with only an address and no memory of anything else

GEMA AKBAR – a person to be feared who is the only one who can guide FARHAN

FEBBRY ANDIKA – a friendly and concerned person who befriends FARHAN

ELLANIA R. – an angry individual who is annoyed easily

FERDI ENDINANDA – quick to get into other people’s business

FADHILA DEWI – complains about everything and everyone

DINDA RISZA – an overly friendly person who is upset by harsh words

INSANI RAMADHAN – willing to cast a dark shadow on any situation

Scene 1

(Farhan is suddenly awake, he’s afraid, he run to knock Gemma’s bed, he’s lost. He don’t know any way to home)

GEMA:Who's that? What's with knocking my bed?


GEMA:You quiet yourself.

FARHAN:I'm sorry. Please go back to sleep.

GEMA:Don't you start telling me what to do. You done plenty already.

FARHAN: It was an accident.

ELLA:Will you shut up?!

FERDI: Who's yelling?

FADHILA: Hey, man. Go to sleep. There's other people around here you know.

GEMA:Yeah, I know. So shut your trap.

FARHAN: Please, all of you, go back to sleep.

FEBBRY: Who's the fancy talker? I bet he wears a tie?

GEMA: I don't see none on him. He lucky. I would a used it to strangle him.

FARHAN: I'm sorry. I just need a place to sleep.

GEMA: There ain't none here.

FEBBRY: You got two blankets. Why don't you give him one?

GEMA: What with you? You take a liking to him?

FEBBRY: Well, he ain't got no tie.

GEMA: And I ain't got no blanket. So go somewhere else.

FARHAN: I'll go. It's okay.

DINDA: You can always sleep in this blanket, I got two blankets anyway.

INSANI: What're you talking about? You always feel cold. You're the one who needs two blankets.

DINDA: Careful what you say, I might cry.

FADHILA: Oh, man. Last time she cry, she wouldn't shut up all night.

FARHAN: Everyone, please. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble.

GEMA: You too late. You already did. Now, you have to pay.

DINDA: (Almost a whisper) Be gentle with him.

GEMA: Shut up, woman!

ELLA: Why don't you?! I'm tryin' to sleep here.
(Silence. GEMA crosses to ELLA's ad he point at him) What do you want?!

GEMA: No one mouths off at me.

ELLA: Too late, I already did. (In a quick motion, GEMA tips the blanket, kicks ELLA, and pins him to the floor with his foot. FARHAN tries to escape during this but is caught by FERDI and FADHILA. FERDI and FADHILA push FARHAN roughly into a sitting position on a blanket. Once again everything is still again)
GEMA: What you say to me, girl?

ELLA: Nothing, nothing at all.

GEMA: And what you say to me later?

ELLA: Nothing.

FERDI: (Holding FARHAN) We got this one.

FADHILA: What you gonna do with him?

GEMA: (Crosses to FARHAN, grabs his face roughly and makes FARHAN look up at him) Does I scare you?

FARHAN: (Softly) Yes.

GEMA: (Smiles, still holding him, looking into his eyes) It's that look I love. I loves it more than women. And you's got it. (He roughly releases FARHAN. Others leave him alone and go to the corners to converse. GEMA sits on his blanket. FEBBRY goes to FARHAN)

FEBBRY: Hi, there.


FEBBRY: My name's Febbry. (Holds out hand. They shake)

FARHAN: Farhan.

FEBBRY: I think Gema is very nice person.

FARHAN: I think you're wrong.

FEBBRY: He's not as bad as he looks. He's really a pussy cat deep down.

FARHAN: Yeah, with long claws, long teeth, and rabies.

FEBBRY: Oh, you’re funny. We can be friends.

FARHAN: Where am I?

INSANI(Joins them): You're down, man. You're at the end of existence.

FEBBRY: He exaggerates.

INSANI: You eg-za-der-dates if you's saying otherwise.

FARHAN: I was told to come here. At least, I think so. (Takes out paper) Here's the address. (FEBBRY is silent when he sees paper)

INSANI: That's bad man. Real bad.


INSANI: That place.

FARHAN: Then this isn't it?

INSANI: This place is far from it, man. This is Disneyland to that.

FARHAN: Maybe I shouldn't go.

FEBBRY: You have to.

FARHAN: Who will take me there, then?

FEBBRY: Gema can take you.

FARHAN: Gema? Why him?

INSANI: That's a bad place. Only Gema goes there. (To FEBBRY) They say he's from that neighborhood.

FEBBRY: If that's possible.

FARHAN: Can it be that bad?

INSANI: Where you comin' from, man? Don't you know nothin' about this neighborhood?

FARHAN: This is all new to me.

INSANI: It better be unnew and fast or you's gonna lose yourself here.

FEBBRY: That place where you're going...


FEBBRY: It's dangerous... cops don't even go there.

INSANI: And when Gema goes, he don't bring no one back.

FEBBRY: You didn't have to tell him that.

INSANI: It's the truth, isn’t it?

FARHAN: I'm free, aren't I? I just won't go. I'll stay here. That's easy enough.

INSAN: You forget. Gema won't let you. You're stuck.

FARHAN: Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

INSANI: Hey, he catches on quick.

FEBBRY: Not quick enough I'm afraid.

FARHAN: Won't Gema help me through?

INSANI: Gema? Help? Those words don't go, man. Gema would sooner see you hurt than helped. That's his way.

FARHAN: I may as well go alone then.

FEBBRY: Gema would go anyway. It’s his job. You may as well go with him.

INSANI: You stick with Gema in that neighborhood, man. You'll be glad you did. With them the way they are there, he'll be your best friend.

FARHAN: I don't understand any of this. What is this stupid address? I don't want to go, but what else can I do? There's nothing behind me. There's nothing here. The only thing I have is this address.

INSANI: Keep what you got. It could be worse… but not much. (Moment of silence. GEMA gets up and puts on a jacket. GEMA crosses over to them. INSANI sees him and crosses away. FARHAN and FEBBRY notice GEMA when INSANI leaves)

GEMA (To FARHAN): You coming?

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

GEMA: Show me your paper.

FARHAN: Paper?

GEMA: (Louder and sharper) The address!

(FARHAN quickly gives it to him)

GEMA: (Laughs darkly) Bad place. What's a fancy talking little wuss like you doing in a neighborhood like this?

FARHAN: Someone gave me the address. I don't remember them saying anything else.

GEMA: Probably better that way.

FARHAN: What is this place anyway?

GEMA: That depends on you.

FARHAN: What is that supposed to mean?

GEMA: (Laughs) You see. What that they say. "Patience is a..." What's that word?

FARHAN: "Virtue."

GEMA: Yeah. You got to get yourself some of that.

FARHAN: I thought I had plenty before this.

GEMA: You find you got a lot less after. It’s time

FEBBRY: (Goes up to FARHAN) Keep safe.

GEMA: I ain't got the time!

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

FARHAN: Good-bye. Perhaps I'll be back this way again. (FEBBRY smiles sadly)

GEMA: You comin'? (FARHAN follows GEMMA,  FEBBRY watches sadly. INSANI glances reluctantly, but turns away. Lights fade to black)

(Finally GEMA leads Farhan to his home and Gema disappear right away. Farhan watches himself sleep on the bed, he stares quizically then sleep upon his body)

FARHAN: (wakes up with sweat and breathes pantingly) Oh! Thank God it was just a dream.

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Natural Phenomenon: Stalactite and Stalagmite

A Stalactite is a type of formation that hangs from the ceiling of caves, hot springs, or manmade structures such as bridges and mines. Any material which is soluble, can be deposited as a colloid, or is in suspension, or is capable of being melted, may form a stalactite. Stalactites may be composed of amberatlavamineralsmud,peatpitchsand, and sinter. A Stalagmite is a type of rock formation that rises from the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of material deposited on the floor from ceiling drippings. Stalagmites may be composed of amberat,lavamineralsmudpeatpitchsand, and sinter. Usually when there are stalactite and stalagmite in one place, they call it dripstones.

There are four formation of stalactites and stalagmites, they are limestone stalactite and stalagmite, lava stalactite and stalagmite, ice staclatite and staglamite, and concrete stalactite and stalagmite. 

So What's the difference between stalactite and stalagmite?
  • The first one of course, a stalactite is a formation of rock that hangs from the ceiling of caves. While a stalagmite is a formation of rock that rises from the floor of the cave.
  • The second, the shape of a stalactite usually have a pointy tip. while the shape of a stalagmite is usually round.
Now the biggest stalactite and stalgmite are in  Gruta da Lapinha, near Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil

Gerund and to Infinitive

To Infinitive:

1. She didn’t hesitate to tell the boss that some employees were stealing office supplies.
2.The Martin Family offered to watch their neighbor’s dog for the whole week.
3.The school promised to help me find an apartment.
4.We want to visit all of the historic sites in Tehran.
5.Louise stopped to smoke.
6.Kathy wants to study with her friends.
7.Jim always forgets to eat
8.You promised to buy me a diamond ring.
9.He advised me to sell all my shares of stock.
10.Tara has the ability to succeed.


1. Paul avoids using chemicals on the vegetables he grows.
2. I look forward to helping you paint the house.
3. Daniel quit smoking a year ago.
4. I enjoy walking in the park.
5. She dreams of winning a gold medal.
6. I love to go sailing on the weekends.
7. He enjoys swimming.
8. A friend of mine was accused of stealing food.
9. I regret spending so much money on shoes.
10. My wife is out shopping right now 

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

My Holiday

Last holiday was very exciting.
The first week, i just stayed at home. Just watch the tv, or play the computer.
But the second week my family and i went to Ternate and Bali.
First we went to Ternate from Jakarta at 1 am. It took about 3 hours to Ternate.
And then we arrived in Ternate at 6 am there in Sultan Baabullah airport.

We went to Many places in Ternate. There is Tolucco fortress that was built by the netherland people in Ternate. and then we also went to where the people took the 1000 RP  background money. We also went to the oldest mosque in Ternate. We took a Dhuha pray there and listened to the guide explained about the mosque. Also we went to the beach in there. But we didn't swim there. we were just seeing the sunset in the beach. Finally we arrived in the hotel on 8 pm after we ate dinner in restaurant.

The next we already moved to the other island. Yes! we moved to the Sulawesi island to go to Manado.
It took about 1 hour with an airplane to go there. Because there is many christian people in Manado, we often saw lot of church in our trip. In the first day on Manado, we went to some park just to have fun there. and then we ate in one restaurant, and went to the souvenir store outside the Manado city, We bought so much food and souvenir to be taken to bandung. After the trip to the souvenir store, we went to the restaurant to eat and finally arrived at the hotel at 9 pm.

The next day we went to the zoo in manado. It took about 2 hours to go there because the road was small and there was many trucks that pass the road. But we are guided by the police in Manado so it took only 1 hours and 30 minutes to go there. It was a conservation for the unique animals in Sulawesi Island. We see many unique animals there. Like Tarsius, kind of birds, monkey, and the other animals.

Finally we went to the restaurant in Manado to eat before we went to Jakarta again. It was delicious. After that we wait in the airport about 2 hours. And then the airplane came and we entered the airplane. I was sleeping in the airplane and then finally we arrived at bandara soekarno hatta in Jakarta. It was an amazing trip in my holiday!!!

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

If Clause...

1. I will be happy if i play football
    I would be happy if i played football
    i would have been happy if i had played football

2. i will be happy if i play with my friends
    i would be happy if i played with my friends.
    i would have been happy if i had played with my friends.

3. i will be happy if i travel around the world
    i would be happy if i traveled around the world
    i would have been happy if i had traveled around the world

4. i will be happy if i get a lot of money
    i would be happy if i got a lot of money
    i would have been happy if i had got a lot of money

5. i will be happy if i go to the mountain
    i would be happy if i went to the mountain
    i would have been happy if i had gone to the mountain

6. if i have one billion rupiah, i will buy a new house
    if i had one billion rupiah, i would buy a new house
    if i had had one billion rupiah, i would have bought a new house

7. if i have one billion rupiah, i will give it to the poor people
    if i had one billion rupiah, i would give it to the poor people
    if i had had one billion rupiah, i would have given it to the poor people

8. if i have one billion rupiah, i will save it in the bank
    if i had one billion rupiah, i would saved it in the bank
    if i had had one billion rupiah, i would have saved it in the bank

9. if i have one billion rupiah, i will build my own company in Bandung
    if i had one billion rupiah, i would build my own company in Bandung
    if i had had one billion rupiah, i would have built my own company in Bandung

10. if i have one billion rupiah, i will travel around the world
      if i had one billion rupiah, i would travel around the world
      if i had had one billion rupiah, i would have traveled around the world