Senin, 09 September 2013


Hello My Name is Farhan Ichsan. I was born in Bandung, 5 February 1997.
Now i will explain about myself.
I will start with my strength.
My strength is that i am easy to make friends with all kind of people. So if i need help, i can easily find help from people around me. Also i really like to do kind of sports. And the sports i really like to do is football.
Beside the strength, i also have some weakness in my self. I am a forgetful person. Sometime i forget where i put the stuff. But then it was in my pocket. So i usually laugh at the weakness. I also a lazy people in the house. I dont really like to tidy up my bedroom because in the night we will sleep again in the bedroom. But slowly, i realize this weakness and start to tidy up my bedroom.
Sometime there are some threats that disturb me to do the task. One of threat is that i usually forget the time if i do something i like such as football or play computer. So to prevent it reoccur, i must calculate the time i play and the time i learn so there will be no collision between my task and my refreshing time.
My future is that i want to be a doctor. I dont know what kind of specialized doctor i want to be, but my point is that i want to help the other people with the ability i have.
That's all i can tell about me.

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